Friday 28 November 2014


Prepared by:
The thesis provided to Faculty of Art & Design, University Technology Mara as part of the requirement Bachelor of Art and Design (Hons) (Fine Art)

Examined by:

Examined by:


CHAPTER 1: Introduction
1.1 Background Research
Sabah is the largest island in Malaysia, which is also known as Borneo. Sabah gained independence after participating in the formation of Malaysia on September 16, 1963. Accordingly, through this merger, Sabah officially becomes part of Malaysia together with Sarawak. The Kadazandusun[1] tribe is one of the indigenous people who live on the west coast and interior of Sabah. Furthermore, the Kadazandusun is the largest community in Sabah, 40 ethnic customs and beliefs have inherited from their ancestors. According to Baruh, (2010), traditional customs and beliefs of the Kadazandusun community is animism. They believe in God "kinorohingan"[2] which gives them security and protection in their daily lives. Hussin, (2005) also stated that they believe that their relationship with the creatures, daily activities and agriculture and so is holy.
Practice their faith is shaped worship and adoration. Especially the Kadazandusun tribe rice spirit worship. This was stated by Hussin, (2005) that rice is the main economic activity for the Kadazandusun before the arrival of European emperial in Sabah in the past. In the meantime, the rice spirit ritual performed once a year after the rice harvest in May. Previous study by Charuruks, I.B., & Padasian, J.  (1993), referred to as a ritual ceremony "Magavau"[3] which is done in the middle of rice fields, newly harvested during the first moon to expand. During the ceremony, some of the worship is done to honor the spirit or the spirit of rice "Bambaazon"[4] and the other as the Unduk Ngadau[5] of ceremonies. However, the arrival of the Western powers has changed the customs and beliefs shape the Kadazandusun tribe to bring new influences such as religion, technology, education, and the capitalist economic system.
1.2 Statement of Problems
At the start of this study some of the findings and the statements that identified the obstacle, guidance, and examples of research topics. Among the problems identified to be a question or search solution is to make a detailed study of the customs and beliefs of traditional rice ritual and its changes.
1. Lack of exposure to a new generation of custom and cultural knowledge Kadazandusun   
2. Lack of time to conduct the study due to the distance between the Peninsula with the area 
    of study in Sabah.
3. Lack of references in respect of works of art (2D) in Sabah highlight
    belief in the spirit of rice or their worldview.

1.3 Significance of the Study
This study is important to maintain the customs and culture of the Kadazandusun tribe. In particular, the rice spirit cult belief. It is also important for the benefit of the younger generation will come that these cultural customs and not be lost in time. Especially the Kadazandusun generation in Sabah. In addition, it is also important to be used as the reference material for the future.
Research is essential to the existence of clear data collection and the references from various quarters. With this it can be used as a general reading, as a reference, and also a legacy. On the other hand, this study was undertaken to examine the history of the Kadazandusun tribe customs and beliefs, identify the Kadazandusun tribes of modern life and identify how the harvest festival of traditional and modern as they do now.
The production of works in the form of two dimensions (2D) on the study is also one of the important visual forms for public to see the aesthetic, cultural and the Kadazandusun’s custom. Symbols and important elements are merged into an interesting narrative and presentation using the language of art. It is important to create new dimension in the understanding of culture and history as narrative that carried out from the study and expressed in writing in the form of painting with the combinations of elements and principles of art. The researcher also uses the theory of subtractive mode of analysis by Heine-Geldern in this research as reference in production of work. The theory of subtractive mode of analysis is a method or approach to identify the current art and art traditions. He said;
 “The past can be partly constructed from the present, for art proceeds from other art, contemporary forms can be traced back genetically to ancient forms”[6]
Research was carried out to the Kadazandusun in particular. The availability of data and information storage, customs and cultural heritage can be preserved. While in general, it is important for all multi-racial society in Malaysia to learn the customs and culture of tribes and ethnic groups. It is also important for tourists to be able to see the uniqueness of the Kadazandusun tribe and overseas researchers who want to conduct research on Kadazandusun in Sabah.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The researcher’s objectives in this study are to produce an artworks based on the idea and to interpret the rice spirits world view by the Kadazandusun Sabah on canvas   which is painting and to create work of art as a new visual text describing two-dimensional visual form in order to describe and in view of the language of art.The researcher also has to identify the symbol, story and myth of rice spirits. Other than that is to analyze the artist reference artwork to gain information in process making in producing an artwork.

1.5 Study Questions

1.  How the world view of rice spirits by the Kadazandusun interprets in painting?
2. How to create works of art as a new visual text describing two-dimensional visual form in
    order to describe and in view of the language of art?
3. How to transform the texts or literatures into two dimensional views (2D)?
1.6 Scope of Research

The location of the study is only focused on Penampang Sabah. The scope of this study only focused on the belief of the rice traditional ritual by the Kadazandusun and its changes.
How the worldview shaping their life, how they treat the traditional belief, what the purpose of ritual and how this tribe develop.  
Rice is a plant and the main economic activities of the Kadazandusun. A ceremony will be held to honour the plant and the rice harvest ceremony Magavau or Harvest festival today. In this festival will be like some ceremony ritual, Sumazau dance[7], gongs[8], Magunatip dance[9] and lastly are the Unduk Ngadau of ceremonies. In their faith, rice has the souls or spirits that give them rice yields and prosperity. So, they have to respect and take care of that spirits by the ceremony ritual. But now, this festival is just to showcase or showing as a symbol of cultural identity and ethnic of the Kadazandusun in Sabah. The uniqueness of customs and culture, especially the Kadazandusun’s Kaamatan festival was form of solidarity, brotherhood and togetherness between the Kadazandusun in Sabah[10]. This festival became a symbol of thanksgiving for the harvest each year.

The festival is still practiced to this day by the Kadazandusun. In fact, every May after the rice harvest they will gather to celebrate rice yields. Penampang district in Kota Kinabalu is the only area that celebrates the Kamaatan festival for the whole Kadazandusun tribes in Sabah on a large scale.

In Addition, research or writing exists by the strength of the researcher to want to know and understand the culture by own tribe. Kadazandusun culture and tradition have contributed uniqueness and beauty of the images of Sabah and directly to enrichment the Malaysia cultural. Therefore, this study would like to see their belief system, especially in the rice spirit beliefs that guide their ancestors.

1.7 Research Methodology
Instrumentation (materials or methods used in the research)


(Phase I )
Primary Data

Harvest Festival
(May 30 to 31 June 2013)


• Record the Harvest Festival situation.
• Record the activities in the Harvest festival.
• worship demonstration by the Shaman


• Picture of Sumazau dance.
• To get Harvest picture comparison of past and


• Seeing modern Harvest Festival.
• The arrival of outsiders who are not from the
   Kadazandusun tribes.
• customs and culture of various tribes of


( Phase II )
Secondary Data

Artists references
Theory of Art

·         The Method and the approach.
·         Previous results about this research.
·         Previous artworks done by artists’ references and their statement about the works. Looking for the method, technique, media, organize and model.
·         Edmund Feldmen theory (description, analysis, Interpretation, judgment)


( Phase III )

Art Making Process and Result 

Observing Data

·          Identifying the images based on Idea

Analysis data

·         Metrials & techniques experiment
·         Sketches and drawing process

1.8 Chapter Outline

CHAPTER 1: Introduction
1.1 Background research
1.2 Statement of Problems
1.3 Significance of Study
1.4 Research Objectives
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Scope of Research
1.7 Research methodology
1.8 Chapter outline
CHAPTER 2: Literature
2. 1 The Kadazandusun
2.1.1 The Legend and the Origin of the Kadazandusun
2.1.2 The Kadazandusun worldviews 
               History of Huminodun
            2.1.3 Rituals of rice spirits
2.2 Artists References
2.2.1 Artworks Analysis Syed Ahmad Jamal  
               Anuar Rashid             
               Nik Zainal Abidin Bin Salleh

CHAPTER 3:  Art Making Process and Result 
3.1 Art Making Process
3.2 Observing Data Visual
3.3 Visual Analysis
3.3.1 Sketches and Drawing Processs
3.4 Experimental Process of Medium and Techniques
3.5 The Process of Art Making 
             3.5.1 First Art Work
 3.5.2 Second Art Work
 3.5.3 Third Art work
 3.5.4 Fourth Art work
 3.5.5 Fifth Art work
3.6 The Results
3.7 Artist Statement
 CHAPTER 4:  Conclusion & Recommendation
4.1 Conclusion
4.2 Recommendation  
4.3 Bibliography  


CHAPTER 2:  Literature
2.1 The Kadazandusun
2.1.1 The Legend and the Origin of the Kadazandusun
The early history of racial existence of Kadazandusun reliable through oral stories of Nunuk Ragang[11]. It is located between two rivers that merge from the left and right and form a larger river which is Liwogu[12] River. All the tribes of Kadazandusun have agreed that they came from in the same place called Nunuk Ragang and it was a kind of tree which grew up and plenty at the Liwagu River[13]. According to Herman, S. (2013), the location of Liwagu River was identified by the Kadazan cultural association (KDCA) in the Tompias Village, Ranau[14].   The Kadazandusun believe that there are many creatures under the Nunuk and the dangling its roots and the river. According to the study of Cherry, (2010), Nunuk Ragang is from red light reflection from the sun toward the creature’s body until Nunuk tree looks red. Therefore, they reflect many red creatures are partying in the Nunuk Ragang. Since then, Nunuk Ragang is the identity of the Kadazandusun community because they believe they came from this area.
According to Kamarul N. (n.d) & Cherry, G. (2010), in their blogs stated the origins of Dusunic tribal into five theory of social science. First theory: They form the descendants Mongloid, Chinese or Annam Kanchin people and people from Myanmar. (H.N Ivor Evans: 1923 and T.R Williams: 1965). Second theory: They form the Indo- Malayan descent from South China to countries in Southeast Asia. In their study, social scientists, and history taking into account physical, speech , blood group and of art created by the Kadazan- Dusun. (T.R Williams: 1965). Third theory: They form a hybrid of the Chinese. (Ivor H.NEvans: 1923 and Owen Rutter: 1920) Fourth theory: They form are descendants of the ancient cave Madai. The fifth theory: people say this Bunun tribe originally from Taiwan.

2.1.2 The Kadazandusun Worldviews 
 At first, people in Sabah Kadazandusun practice animism beliefs. One of their beliefs is the rice spirits and it is also stated by Lee, (2012), that this belief inherited from their ancestors. Belief in the spirit of rice has shaped the lives of the Kadazandusun. They believe that the rice has a passion to care for and respected. It is further heightened by Hussin, (2005), in his study that the Kadazandusun traditional believes such as rice farming is Holy. This belief and ideologies inherited from their ancestors until it has been a guide in their life. They believe in a god Kinoingan who created the universe and gave their lives and safety in their everyday lives. According to research conducted by Hussin, (2007), Kadazandusun worldviews encompass the real and spiritual which make up the concept of space consisting of sky, earth, and the ground. Each space has a layer name, and the creatures. The real (physical) inhabited by humans and other creatures and the spiritual nature (supernatural) inhabited by the soul and spirit that is made up of good and evil spirits. For the Kadazandusun they believe that the balance between the real world and the spiritual will make life better and safer. If both the nature is not balanced then the accident or damage will befall them. Therefore, to restore the lost spirit in the lives around them, the ceremony should be done as a meal to the spirit to bring it back and did not interfere with their lives. The ceremony is also known as the Magavau or Harvest Festival that to celebrate of thanksgiving and restore the spirit of rice.
Magavau in the past very concerned about the taboos aspects. But now, no longer the taboos aspects of the practice completely and it’s the same as no longer obey or follow. In addition, the Magavau nowadays just as a symbol of the Kadazandusun tribe. According to Oyum Bin Morindu from the Rungus Bamboo Stem Group[15]. Rice spirit ritual in the past referred to as Magavau but now referred to as the Harvest Festival.
Before the advent of the colonial power in Sabah, the Kadazandusun economic activity is rice plants. According to Hussin, (2005), Rice is the principal activities of the Kadazandusun community. Cultivation methods are performed traditional and farmers will be doing various rituals to obtain the fertile rice plants fields and get a lot of paddy. They believe rice has a soul or spirit. Rice spirit called Bambaazon. Hussin explained further, Kadazandusun community believed in this rice is as a friend that must be treated with all the time in the form of rituals. This ritual will be done by the priest of Bobohizan[16] order. Magavau[17] is conducted rituals from the past until today after the rice harvest every 30 and 31 Mei.
Moreover, culture and external influences make their world view changed. The entry of new religions such as Islam and Krestian among the Kadazandusun at Penampang area in Sabah is the main reason for the tradition of their ancestors abandoned.
Old beliefs have changed because of their new religious beliefs. It also touched on in the study by Irene and Janette, (1992), where most of them are Christians and Muslims. However, there is still practice the animism beliefs. Especially the elderly Kadazandusun. This is because they have adopted this belief before the arrival of other religions.
In the study Hussin, (2005), the times have turned to the importance of science and technology. Rituals and traditional rice cultivation practices changed to the activities of modern agriculture. Additionally, this can be explained further in the book published by Hongkod Koisaan (KDCA), (2013), in which various changes have occurred in terms of rituals, taboos and the beliefs.
Therefore, in order to maintain the traditions, the association Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) has made the Harvest Festival as a symbol of tradition and culture that is the identity of the Kadazandusun. The festival will provide a variety of shows and activities like farming tools, traditional dance, traditional house, traditional drink, spirit of rice as well as Huminodun worship, gongs and the attraction is Unduk Ngadau competition that became a symbol of the spirit of rice as well as Huminodun.

               History of Huminodun
The legend and myth of the Kadazandusun belief is the belief of the existence of their god Kinoingan (God the creator of heaven and earth), and his wife Suminundu or sumundu. They have a daughter namely Huminodun. The Kadazandusun believes that God kinoingan dwells in another world. In the study of Lee, Y. & Low, K. (2012), Kadazandusun believes in the rice spirit that inherited from their ancestors. This belief is formed based on myth and legend mentioned by their ancestors, believes in god Kinoingan. They added that the Kadazandusun community has suffered from disaster namely a long drought. Therefore, they have been starved of food due to drought. From that, God Kinoingan was sympathetic to the human condition on earth and wants to save them from starvation. However, to end the drought and save mankind, Kinoingan have to sacrifice a young woman, sincere and beautiful. Therefore, Kinoingan and his wife agreed that their daughter namely Huminodun sacrificed. According to the literatures by Hussin, (2003) & (2008), Kinoingan sacrificed his only daughter, so that people can get food. The article written by Fred, A. (2013) in his blog said that the body Huminodun splitted into 7 parts and planted. Each part has released a variety of crops that enable human food. Among the plants that are the source of human food is rice. Therefore, the Kadazandusun believes that rice is the spirit of Huminodun to save the people from starvation. They also believe that the seven parts of the Huminodun body that had been buried and produce crops is Bambarayon[18] spirit in the rice and becomes a spirit. This spirit should be on guard, entertained and respected. By then, the spirit worship rituals rice or Magavau in Kadazandusun language, also known as the Harvest festival now existed. It is meant to commemorate the god of Kinoingan that was willing to sacrifice his only daughter and grateful obtained rice yield and avoid danger or interference from evil spirits. According to Nasir, J. (2009), the ceremony honoring the spirit of the rice will be led by a shaman or Bobohizan and usually made ​​up of the older women. According Hongkod Koisaan Penampang (KDCA), Huminodun is Bambarayon spirit, Bambarayon is the rice spirit, rice is the food of the spirit of the Kadazandusun, and Huminodun is Unduk Ngadau[19] Kaamatan idol and she is a soul of Unduk Ngadau and Harvest festival.

2.1.3 Rituals of Rice Spirits
Rice is a ceremonial ritual that must be done properly and respected. According to a study by Hussin, (2007), the rice spirit is a spirit of Kinoingan’s daughter (creator god) which is Huminodun that sacrificed to save the people from starvation and drought. It is also the Kadazandusun traditional beliefs. According to them the spirit should be maintained so that their lives are always safe and secure from evils and get a lot of harvest each year. Therefore, in honor and gratitude that rice yield at harvest, they will do the rituals like worship, worship, meal of food and drink to the spirits, play music and dance. According to Nasir, J. (2009), this ritual will be led by Bobolian or Bobohizan[20] the women who have aged and they are women who play an important role in ritual honor the spirit of rice. Cult system was done in an orderly manner. This ritual is also known as Magavau or adults now it is known as the Harvest festival. According to Herman, S. (2010), Harvest festival is not only grateful to be given by God Kinoingan but it also is an occasion where the promise of friendship and brotherhood renewed through mutual forgiveness. According to Herman again the Kaamatan festival is usually held on the first moon looks full expands after the harvest.
The rice spirits ritual that explained by Nasir, J. (2009) and Hussin, (2005) is started with a ceremonial “Kumogos[21] which is done when the rice was yellow and ready for harvest. Next, the ceremonial “Komotob[22] done in the area of unmilled rice and ritual “Poposisip[23] in the rice-built home while the mantras read by Bobohizan.
The Kadazandusun also believe in the spirit of rice that comes and always take care and observe the rice fields from damage. According to Dani, N. A, (n.d) and Nordin A, (2012), The Kadazandusun believe Huminodun soul become Bambarayon[24] in the form of rice spirit. According to them, Bambarayon is swallows[25] flying in the paddy fields. Birds will fly low to catch insects that damage of paddy. Apart from that they also believe in the spirit of the eagle. According to their beliefs eagles will eat rats that damage rice stems and fruit. These interpretations serve as a guide to farmers Kadazandusun in their lives.

2.2 Artists References
            2.2.1 Artworks Analysis
The researcher wants to analyze the works of local artists based on the Edmund Feldmen theory (Description, Analysis, Interpretation, and Judgment). The researcher took the works of artists who create the idea or issue based on the belief, myth or worldviews as narrative of work.

 Syed Ahmad Jamal

Figure 2.1:  Syed Ahmad Jamal (“Langit dan Bumi I”/ “Heaven and earth I”) 1998.

This work titled "Heaven and Earth I" and produced in 1998. Media used is acrylic on canvas. The size of this work is 203sm x 274.5sm. What can be seen and described in this work are the artist use of multiple colors and warm and cool colors, expression, abstract, and energetic. If viewed as a whole, the artist uses colors such as red, yellow, green, sea blue, sky blue, white and purple. Strokes of vibrant color and multi-layered forming texture on canvas. Colors strokes and abstract lines and fast apparent in the middle of painting with bright colors like yellow, red and blue. Repeated lines are significantly skewed to the left of the work. Convex and horizontal lines can also be seen by the color purple in the middle of painting and red the bottom left of the work. While the top of the painting there are patches of color as the stars shine and brighten the earth.
With the title "Heaven and Earth I", the artist organizes the composition based on the title in four parts. The first part layer is the earth, the second layer is the plants and views of the hills, the third layer consists of clouds, light and rain and the fourth layer sky and the stars. The forms of subjects are not clear because the artist uses brush strokes and abstract color and expression. However, the artist use elements of the appropriate color as the color of the subjects like land, plants, sky and light. The authors also use the elements and principles of art in the production of work. The elements of art like brush strokes and soft colors, simple, fast and firmly, and tie up the various lines, the use of hot and cold colors to suit the diverse elements of the subject color as the color of the soil, plants and sky where form harmony, the use of organic and geometric shapes, flat surface, especially the use of horizontal space on the bottom of work namely land and shallow space of the entire piece. While, the principle of art that used by the artist are he plays with composition where there are the bottom, middle and top that directly shape the diversity, balance is not equal (asymmetrical balance) namely the uneven placement of the images and the use of red color contrasted with the blue color that looks dominant, the combination of the elements and principles of art that make up the union, slanted lines and horizontal repeated and form of rhythm, especially in the middle of painting, repetition of colors and small patches at the top of the painting that repeated and fast colour strokes and abstract produce movement.
Based on the title of "Heavens and Earth I", the artist would like to reflect the culture, thought, culture, philosophy, values, and the meaning of life and the height of the creator of heaven and earth. This can be seen based on color that make up a landscape that looks like layers of earth which forms life. Artist feel this life as a blessing given the responsibility and trust as a vicegerent on earth. In terms of philosophy, the main thrust used by the artist is Tawhid. It is consistent with the philosophy of faith asserted by al Faruqi Oneness of Allah. Artist is also very impressed with the creation of natural world (natural) created by Allah. Artist does not reflect the landscape of the natural world in the form of realistic natural reality. Instead the artist had simplified or abstracted the nature of subjects namely stylization denaturalization. In this work, the artist expresses a variety of situations such as night, day, hot, cold, afternoon and evening. Artist inserted the values ​​and attributes Islamic credentials in the work as the identity and beliefs. Directly the artist brings to the audience to remember the beauty and signs of God through nature. Artist also reflects the beauty of the creation with what is described in the Qur'an in Surah Al A'raf of the heavens and the earth, which means;
“Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne (of authority): He draweth the night as a veil o'er the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession: He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command. Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!”    (Al-A'raaf 7:54)[26]
This work makes awareness and consciousness to the audience and the artist had successful in delivering and reflects who we are and who created the universe. This can be seen with the concept of the unity or tawhid in Islamic values ​​that showed by the artist. Though, the objects of natural world were abstraction and simplified (stylization or denaturalization). The beauty and the color strokes combination have made this work stand out. In addition, formalistic aspects of this work make it more meaningful and successful. For example, warm and cool color strokes throughout the painting that portrays as the natural world, color strokes which forms the diversity of lines and texture on canvas, used abstract objects that formed shapes, and emphasizes the space. The elements of art take advantage by the artist in its production. However, the principles of art used asemetry which is the uneven placement of images, repetition of color and lines on the work, and horizontal composition, the repeated lines had formed rhythm such as the lines in the middle of painting and patches color repeated in the top of canvas, combination of elements and principles of art have formed a diversity, unity and harmony and emphasis of each layer of earth.

               Anuar Rashid

Figure 2.2:  Source; T.K. SABAPATHY (Editor). Vision and Idea - ReLooking Modern    Malaysian Art. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian National Art Gallery, 1994). Received from

This work titled "The Birth of Inderaputera" which was produced by Anuar Rashid in 1978. Material used Oil on canvas. Meanwhile, the size is 244cm x 306cm. This work reflects the dramatic and mythical atmosphere. In the middle of work, we can see the movement of bird flying and some have been simplified. The use of colours and technique of layered or repeated made the objects like moving. The colors layered, cut and form a cube and use blue that clearly can be seen in the entire of work. In addition, yellow, orange, purple, and white. On the top of work looked dark and the lighting looked in the middle and bottom of in bright colors which forms light shadows.
Artist clearly fully understands the position and arrangement of use the appropriate color on. Artist emphasizes the elements and principles of art in the production of work. The use of colours plays an important role as a picture, a mood and feeling. Artist evokes dramatic effects of light, movement layer blue, orange, yellow, white purple. The shape and appearance of two-dimensional and using geometric and organic as well as a flat surface. Variety of lines made lines moving. For example, repetition lines have raised front space movement. The thin lines have created texture far illusions space while solid lines has raised front space which will forms the space. The colors strokes on canvas created texture effects. However, the principle of art is also a priority of the artist. The repetition of the image and the color has produced interesting effects on the canvas and create movements and unions. It can be seen in the movement of birds, layers of color and repetition of colors like blue, white, purple, yellow and a little orange on the movement of birds. It also creates a rhythmic where images repeated and it looks like vibrate, rolling and moving. Arrangement or composition of colour is also a priority to create differentiating between front, middle and back. On the top of work looked dark gloomy. While the middle and bottom of the work looked bright and there are repetition such as birds and thin and thick lines which forms the illusion of space. This has created asemetry on work.
Artist would like to reflect a situation and atmosphere of the mystical, myth and legend or Hikayat. With the title of "The Birth of Inderaputera" based on Inderaputera tale, the artist used the technique and distinctive style of storytelling to reflect the atmosphere of the work. In addition, the artist would like to pick up this work as an understanding of aesthetics and acceptance of folk stories, myths and Hikayat of the text to the visual two dimensional. Artist would also like to improve the understanding of the audience about the quality of thought and intellectual in a corner of fantasy and abstract.  The narrative that the artist wants to present is trough the text of Hikayat Inderaputra.
 “Hikayat ini mengisahkan seorang putera Raja Bikrama Buspa Negeri Samanta Puri yang telah diterbangkan oleh merak emas. Inderaputera telah dijatuhkan di dalam sebuah taman bunga yang dimiliki oleh nenek kebayan. Disinilah serta dibawah jagaan perdana menteri Inderaputera dewasa, hingga beliau memperhambakan diri kepada Maharaja Syahian untuk menemui Berma Sakti bagi mendapatkan penawar beranak bagi baginda. Perjalanan Inderaputera penuh dengan temasya-temasya yang ajaib dan menakutkan. Akhirnya bertemu juga dengan Berma Sakti. Kejayaan Inderaputera disambut oleh Maharaja Syahian yang tetapi tidak oleh menteri-menteri muda dan anak raja-raja yang menaungkan diri kepada baginda”.
     (Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka, 1968.)
By understanding the idea and conveying the context, the artist has succeeded in producing the work a mature corner. Artist has a mystical atmosphere to reflect the use of the peacock image to reflect the movement and abstract images and brush strokes voracious have created a strong impact or empression. In addition, the use of color and composition the work has attracted the audience to see and understand the work. Effectiveness makes the audience feel the beauty of the work. This is further heightened by the use of formalistic aspects of the priorities in the production of work. These aspects are explained with the use of the elements and principles of art such as color, thread, line, shape, form and balance, composition, rhythm, repetition, contrast, emphasis, the union movement. These aspects of the work merged into a vibrant and evoke a passion and understanding of the narrative.


        Nik Zainal Abidin Bin Salleh

Diagram 2.3:   Nik Zainal Abidin Bin Salleh
Received from
This work titled “Kelantan shadow” and produced in 1961. The size is 116cm x 56cm size. Media used is oil paint on canvas. This work reflects the various expressions and facial features weird and scary. The use of color is also very bright red, yellow, black, brown, white and blue. In addition, it is seen that the two groups meet and quarrel between the left and right canvas.
 Artist is aware of and understands each character and image processing and color. The composition of the work is vertical. The artist put the images with various characters from the bottom to the top canvas. Use the elements and principles of art make this work seem interesting. Processing lines and colors on the canvas like red, brown, yellow, blue, black and white make up various characters. The shape and appearance of the work is two-dimensional illusory and organic as well as a flat surface. Meanwhile, the work also balance in prioritizing which is the artist put the images on the left and right. The variety of color processed has resulted in diversity and unity. Repetition of human images also clearly visible. Moreover, the diversity of the lines that make up the characters has developed a rhythm and movement.
 Artist wish to express and reflect the daunting atmosphere or in a battle where the two groups can be seen left and right are being met and holding a sword. In addition, the artist has brought the art of this puppet out of the screen or theater on the canvas to be viewed and judged beauty of nature static and two-dimensional. Artist takes the stories of the ancient Hindu epic Ramayana. It tells the king Rama and his wife Sita Queen. Sita was kidnapped by King Rama Ravanna and his army came to rescue Queen Sita. Thus, the artist portrays the battle being fought between the army of Hanuman, the monkey king and the army of evil Ravanna.
Artist has successfully produced mature artwork. The use of formalistic aspects in the work   makes it more successfully. Artist has used character or puppet characters on canvas. Transforming text or visual theater to two dimensions has made this work interesting. Processing of various colors has developed various expression and character. In addition, the use of multiple lines that makes up the look. The artist also emphasizes balance of the work, the repetition of the image and the composition of the piece.

3.1 Art Making Process
3.2 Observing Data Visual
Researcher had been looking a variety of visual reference for identifying appropriate. Based on the idea of researcher, researcher has tried to understand and identify the relevant visual world view and the Kadazandusun belief.  This visual is important in the production process of work. The main image that identified is the image of a woman Kadazandusun that symbolized as the purity of the rice crop and the daughter of god Kinoingan which is Huminodun. The second image is the Kadazandusun shaman, dance sumazau, the moon the birds of the attribute as beliefs. The galaxy is the reference image picture of the views of the world based on personal experience by researcher on the lives as a people of Kadazandusun
Figure 3.5:  Image of Bobolian or shaman does worship the spirit of rice.
Figure 3.4:   The image of Kadazandusun woman became a symbol of the impurity of paddy and the daughter of god of Kinoingan.
Figure 3.7:  An eagle and swallows be a symbol embodiment spirit of Bambarayon or the rice spirits.
Figure 3.8:   The full moon is a good month in the worldview of Kadazandusun when rice planting or after harvest.
Figure 3.9:   Various Image of galaxies as a reference of researcher for background work.    
Figure 3.6:  Sumazau dance during the spirit of rice worship.

3.3 Visual Analysis
3.3.1 Sketches and Drawing Processs

Figure 3.10:   Quick sketches for idea process. The researcher draws various composition and image based on the idea that relates.
Figure 3.11:   Drawing (Composition, colour and surface experiment).  Researchers have drawn various compositions and using various images such as women, birds and the moon as a metaphor to the idea of ​​the researcher. In addition, researcher also studies the background color of works.

3.4 Experimental Process of Medium and Techniques
The researcher using acrylic as a medium in research and produce work. Researcher studied the use of this material in terms of the appropriate colors based on the idea.
Figure 3.12:    The researcher studying the acrylic on canvas. The researcher also studying the use of color, mixed color and the artwork background research.

Figure 3.13:      The researcher studying the scumbling technique on surface. Researcher tries to combines the technique and the element of art which is the scumbling style and the character of line which is curls or wave line. Both aspects used to all artworks.

The researcher using the technique scumbling as to produce a work that looks smoky expression, foggy, mystical, glowing, color and texture of fine layered. In addition, the the researcher want to create grading, depth and atmosphere at work.
 “In skillful hands, scumbling can create some of the most magical effects in a painting, giving a veil-like impression”
(The Encyclopedia of oil painting techniques Wrote by Jeremy Galton)

Based on the study researcher at the surface of the canvas, the smooth lines curls or waves will create a background work look more smooth and foggy due to the lines. The main purpose that the researcher uses the line is to create the symbol of rice spirits. The researcher also makes it curl and use white colour so that its looks like rice that flying in the field of rice.  Based on research by Hussin (2005), he states that the Kadazandusun traditional believes such as rice farming is Holy[27].  In addition, it will create a rhythm that will stimulate a person's physical movements due to alternating lines.
“Thin lines are generally more elegant, gentle or delicate. The repetition of fine fluid lines ties the images together and suggests movement”
“Alternations of movement become visually entertaining and physically stimulating if they are rhythmic”
(Art and Faundamentals. Theory and Practice. Page-110)

3.5 The Process of Art Making
            3.5.1 First Art Work 
Figure 3.14: The background colours look like smoky expression, foggy, mystical, and glowing.
Figure 3.16: The images add with the lines that look like broken glass. Its cubic shapes that represent the unseen spirits. To get the sharp shape or line uses the masking tape as material of making.
Figure 3.15: The images are inserted on the background.
Figure 3.17: The image is repeated. The last is inserting the soft lines over the images and background. After that, finishing process or final touch.

            3.5.2 Second Art Work
Figure 3.18: The background colours look like smoky expression, foggy, mystical, and glowing. Its looks like in the sky and wave. The researcher use avariety kind of brush to get the effects. Here the researcher also inserts the soft lines on the background. Hence, the background looks smooth and the lines actually symbol of rice spirits.
Figure 3.20: The image is repeat and transparent. Use variety of colours, its value and hue to make contrast the images and the background. The background also overlaps with a little bit cubism lines that look like a broken glass.
Figure 3.21: The second and third images are inserted and overlapped with the curls or wave lines on it. The last is finishing process.
 Figure 3.19: The images are inserted on the background with eagle flying and swallow bird.

     3.5.3 Third Art Work
Figure 3.22:  Background colour with orange on canvas.
Figure 3.23:  Background layer or overlapping colour.
Figure 3.24:  The images are inserted on the surface of canvas.
Figure 3.25: The images are overlapped and dynamic movement. The effects of lines also inserted on it.

           3.5.4 Fourth Art Work
Figure 3.26:  First is the background layer with yellow colour and overlapped the surface with the other colours.
Figure 3.27: The images of moon, eagle inserted. The image of eagle was repeated to create the movement and the moon paint in the middle of canvas. Other than that the light horizontally to the left that based on the idea of researcher.
Figure 3.28:  The characters of lines are inserted on the image and background.  To create the lines researcher use a little round brush and paint it with white colour.
Figure 3.29: The last is touch up or finishing process. 

          3.5.5 Fifth Art Work
Figure 3.33: The last is touch up or finishing process. 
Figure 3.31: The characters of lines are inserted on the image and background.  To create the lines researcher use a little round brush and paint it with white colour.

Figure 3.32: The character of lines full layer on the surface of canvas.  
Figure 3.30:  The background first layer is same with other steps of work. After that the images are inserted. The girls’ image as a symbol of Huminodun. The image repeated to create movement.   

3.6 The Result
First Work

Figure 3.34:  Title:  Kadazandusun: The Legend of Huminodun I
Year: 2014
Size: 5ft x 3ft
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Second Artwork
                            Figure 3.35: Title:  Kadazandusun:   The Rice Spirits Of Eagle and Swallow
Year: 2014
Size: 6ft x 4ft
   Medium: Arcylic on Canvas

Third Artwork
                                    Figure 3.36:  Title:  Kadazandusun:   The Spirits of Magavau
Year: 2014
Size: 6ft X 4 ft.
Medium:  Acrylic on Canvas

Fourth Artwork
Figure 3.37: Title:  Kadazandusun:   The Full Moon
Year: 2014
Size: 8ft X 5 ft.
Medium:  Acrylic on Canvas

Fifth Artwork

                                Figure 3.38: Title:  Kadazandusun:  The Legend of Huminodun II
             Year: 2014
             Size: 4ft X 3 ft.
                Medium:  Acrylic on Canvas

3.7 Artist Statement 
The legend of Huminodun is the story of the Kadazandusun ancestors. They believe in the god of Kinoingan that who care and give them the life and well-being. Huminodun is the daughter of Lord Kinoingan. It tells the story of Huminodun sacrifice to save humankind caused by prolonged drought and famine food. Thus, sacrifice is a way and a solution to end the drought and famine to humans. They believe that the Huminodun body splitted into 7 parts and buried. Each part has released a variety of plants that become food for the people. The plants are including rice. The sacrifice considered as sacred. They assume that the rice is holy and without rice there is no life. Divine nature and sincerity of this woman make her get elected, honored and respected with her sacrifice. They belive Huminodun is the soul of Bambarayon. Bambarayon is the soul of rice. Huminodun is idolized as Unduk Ngadau Kamaatan and the soul of Unduk Ngadau.
Each work that described by the researcher is the symbol of the spirit of rice. This is because the Kadazandusun believes that symbols are the embodiment of the spirit or soul of Huminodun or Bambarayon. Among the symbols that represent the spirits of the rice are expanding moon, eagle and swallow, image of woman. This belief inherited from their ancestors. The overall works, the researcher has portrayed the mythical ambience by using warm and cool colors. The smear colors like fog or smoky and the images seem layered and repeatedly each other. The researcher would like to portray the spirits of rice scattered about.
            The researcher also uses fine white lines and seems wavy or curly. The researcher, the lines are the white rice spirit (holy). Besides, the pieces like a cube is a reflection of the spirit of Huminodun that transforms into rice that can visible and invisible.
What the researcher want sto talk about the production of this work is the transformation from the texts into two dimensional visual. The researcher wants a deeper insight in delivering aesthetic values ​​formed from the appreciation of the Kadazandusun worldviews.

CHAPTER 4:  Conclusion & Recommendation
4.1 Conclusion
As a conclusion, from the first process to the end result of the artworks, the researcher has achieves the several objectives that have been set. The researcher objective in this study is to produce an artworks based on the idea and to interpret the rice spirits world view by the Kadazandusun Sabah on canvas   which is painting project for CDT652.  To create works of art as a new visual text that describing two-dimensional visual form in order to describe and in view of the language of art. Other than that, to transform the texts or literatures based on the idea on canvas. As results the researcher succeed produced five painting with the symbols of Kadazandusun worldviews about the beliefs of rice spirits. Based on the woman image, moon, bird and mystical colour that represent Huminodun spirits make the audience understand all the works that what the researcher trying to intreprates. It is also supported with the title of work. All works are using canvas as surface to transform the aesthetic of rice spirits.
In the process of research, the researcher collected the data from various sources and analyse it. From that, the researcher had identified the symbol, story and myth of rice spirits. Other than that is to analyse the artists reference artworks to gain information in process making in producing an artwork. The researcher chooses four local artists that most popular in Malaysia. Most of the references also use a story or history as their work to interpret on canvas. For example, the work by Anuar Rashid where he uses the Hikayat Inderaputra as an idea from text and visualised it on canvas as a new method to see the aesthetic and its values.
In the production of works. The researcher collected more pictures and data to support the visual of works. Analyse the data with sketches and drawing process to bring out the images or ideas. Development idea is very important in production of work because it will give the best result. Other than that it will satisfy ourself and in what we are doing as well. The researcher come up with his own skills in painting and he succeed used the lines as represent the rise spirits. It’s also supported by the audience who see the lines that applied on the painting looked like the rice. It is because the researcher used white colour and the curl lines that repeated.
This study gave a lot of experience to the researcher. Especially in writing and produced works based on the researcher literatures in this study.

4.2 Recommendation 
The process of writing and works that described in this study gave much of understanding and knowledge to the researcher and to the reader. This research also helps to researchers or other artists who want to study and experiment, especially on Kadazandusun worldview.
It also can be used as a reference for students and the general public who want to know the history and the Sabah’s aboriginal worldviews. It is not only at the university or college but also appropriate to art students at the school level as STPM who took art and the public. With the understanding of the production process of this research, other researchers also can use a variety of media and techniques in the production of research and contemporary works. In addition, with this research, it can be used as a tool to preserve and reflect the history into two-dimensional shape and make it a new visual in the interaction. This is because, the artwork will not be boring because of the visual forming such two or three dimensions and interact more attractive than text.

4.3 Bibliography
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        Department of Malay Language Faculty of Modern Language Studies, UPM


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[1]Kadazandusun is the indigenous people and union of two people of Sabah, namely 'Kadazan' and        
[2] Kinorohingan is a God who made the world and residein another world.

[3] “Magavau” is a harvest festival in the ceremony celebrating the spirit of rice every 30 to 31 May.
[4]  Bambaazon is the soul or spirit of paddy.
[5] Unduk Ngadau is a beauty pageant that represents Huminodun.

[6] BSLN, (2008). Timelines. page.194
[7]Sumazau dance is a one of Kadazandusun dance.
[8] Gong is a music instrument using in the ceremony ritual or other ceremony.
[9] Magunatip dance is dancing in the ceremony ritual.
[10]  Message from Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman in conjunction with the Sabah State Level Harvest Festival 2013 in Penampang Sabah
[11] Nunuk Ragang is toward the red tree or Ara tree.
[12] Liwogu is a river that its look too deep and serene river water.
[13] Sabah Kadazan Cultural Association (KDCA), (1982). Our Cultural Heritage. p.62
[14] Herman L. (2013). Daily Express-Nunuk Ragang, the Legend Of Kadazandusun. p.9
[15] The Harvest Festival in Dongongon Penampang on 30 & 31 May 2013.
[16] Bobohizan is Kadazandusun tribal shaman.
[17] Magavau is the Harvest festival, an occasion celebrated after harvesting.
[18] Bambarayon is a rice spirits.
[19] Unduk Ngadau is a beauty pageant a symbol Huminodun.
[20] Bobohizan is the shaman from women Kadazandusun that responsible for the spirit of rice.
[21]Kumogos” is tying or tying rituals and tying seven heads of the best rice and will harvest when the paddy harvesting season.
[22]Kumotob” is cutting ritual of seven stalks of rice that selected to be harvested and stored and the rice harvest will start after that. 

[23]Poposisip” is storing ritual and untied of paddy that selected from the Kumotob ritual in the house which is referred to as Tangkob.
[24] Bambarayon is a rice spirits.
[25] The scientific name for the swallow is Hemiprocne coronata (Ministry of Education, 1994:776)
[26] Surah.My. Retrieved form
[27] Hanafi Hussein,( 2005). Ritual Padi Komuniti Kadazan Dataran Penampang Sabah. 171-198.

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